The Three Stooges (2012)


Baby pee. Jersey Shore. Slapping a lion in the face. Traumatic brain injury. This can be a short review. If you like the Stooges you will like this movie. If you don’t you won’t. For any Stooge virgins out there, do you think pratfalls and pies to the face are funny? This is what we’re talking about here. My tween Miss Sloth gave this 4 1/2 stars, while young Soth Jr. gave it a raving 5. Mr. Sloth agreed with my 3 1/2 stars. We had watched the original Stooges on TV so my children knew what to expect and actually picked seeing this over a second viewing of The Avengers. Some may be offended by the physical violence meted out by the bros, but to me the most serious issue anyone could have with this movie is that poor orphans and foster care feature big. If this triggers unpleasant things this may not be the film for you. You have bigger fish to fry.

Film Sloth loves her some Stooges, rare but not unheard of in the realm of femaledom, and she was amused by this film. Directors the Farrelly Brothers Two were fortunate to have three leads that could channel the original Moe, Larry and Curly to a sometimes astonishing degree. Sean Hayes makes a fine Larry, the sad sack, while Chris Diamantopoulos has Moe’s exasperated expressions down pat. Arguably the most beloved Stooge is Curly, the bald-headed man child, and Will Sasso holds his own in the role. All three roll out the slapstick with no shame. In fact, nobody here has any shame, going all out with the manic pace, which is absolutely necessary with this type of comedy. Larry David, Jane Lynch, Jennifer Hudson, Sophia Vergara and more all just go for it, bless ’em.

The plot nearly gets in the way, and is just an excuse for the Stooges to do their shenanigans in different locales. And that is fine. With that said, it would’ve been fine by me for them to have stayed at the orphanage for the entire film, where for me most of the funny happened, and where I heard the most laughter from my kids. Solid four out of five stars for the beginning.

To share too much here might give away the numerous gags. Pay attention to details like store front signs and such. And wonder with me how some of the stunts were accomplished without anyone dying.

Random Thoughts: (Film Sloth reserves the right to tack random thoughts to the end of reviews. Film Sloth don’t care.)

This may be shallow, inappropriate, I don’t care. We need to get something straight right now. Sophia Vergara’s bra size cannot be 34DD, as claimed on a random website that I looked up because her bosom was so bosomly. No fracking way. According to another random website Ms. Vergara is more like a 30HH, which seems much more likely. Either way, brava Madame.