Return to Cranford: An Unanswered Question

Contains mild spoilers. My Mom and I pondered on this:

What happened to the Buxton’s plot device, er, I mean dog, Napolean?

Some theories:

1) Master Harry’s family killed it for food while the baby cried and cried and cried.

2) Lady Ludlow’s son and his Italian mustache boyfriend took it back to Italy with them where they all lived happily ever after.

3) The elder Mr. Buxton stabbed it to death with a ceremonial dagger in an elaborate ritual to make Peggy’s greedy idiot brother his son instead of William.

4) The Old Biddies smothered it with their lace to punish Peggy and William for their public depravity, having been shocked at how she allowed him to brush crumbs off her skirt. I can hear Miss Mattie’s sister saying that one does not permit one’s husband to brush one’s crumbs, even in one’s private bedchamber, until after one year of marriage, if at all, ever. “That is the way here in Cranford.”

5) The pastor accidentally ran it over with his carriage and felt bad until he recalled his humiliation when the dog interrupted his church service.

6) It died unexpectedly of (fill-in-the-blank).

7) Handsome Peter got bored of Cranford and took it back to India with him. Disappointing Peter is an actor he hired to fool Mattie & the Old Biddies.

Long Time No Posts

For posterity’s sake, I am recording here that my dearth of posts has been due to feeling like crap. I’ve seen probably less than 10 movies since July and after seeing each have not been able to eke out a review beyond a few words. My head often hurts with loud noise and light and my thoughts are a bit fogged. There’s more to it but that’s enough of that for now.

After a few weeks of low to no pain it’s returned, and I’m not feeling very useful. As a diversion I’ve started writing reviews again, and hope to get somewhat caught up. I saw Argo and that deserves a thoughtful review, at the least.

Pain and vertigo tend to make me loopier than usual, not to mention taking a plethora of meds, so you’ve been warned.

While I like knowing that my reviews are floating around the Internet I truly write them for myself so that I remember my thoughts and feelings about a film.

With this out of the way I will return this blog to its regularly scheduled programming.

Thoughts on Colorado

“And can it be that in a world so full and busy the loss of one creature makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!”– Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

I’m keeping in mind that there was one shooter, but many responding to help. One who went to the theater with ill intent, but many who went with friends and family to enjoy a night’s entertainment. A few who post snarky comments about the tragedy in an attempt to gain attention, but hundreds (thousands?) who post closely-held thoughts and feelings for those impacted. Thinking like this keeps me from wanting to barricade my children from the world, from the unthinkable. Thinking like this keeps me from despairing in my own sadness and anger, and keeps my thoughts on the those who died, who survived, who are suffering, and who are caring for them. May they all find comfort, may they all find peace.