Long Time No Posts

For posterity’s sake, I am recording here that my dearth of posts has been due to feeling like crap. I’ve seen probably less than 10 movies since July and after seeing each have not been able to eke out a review beyond a few words. My head often hurts with loud noise and light and my thoughts are a bit fogged. There’s more to it but that’s enough of that for now.

After a few weeks of low to no pain it’s returned, and I’m not feeling very useful. As a diversion I’ve started writing reviews again, and hope to get somewhat caught up. I saw Argo and that deserves a thoughtful review, at the least.

Pain and vertigo tend to make me loopier than usual, not to mention taking a plethora of meds, so you’ve been warned.

While I like knowing that my reviews are floating around the Internet I truly write them for myself so that I remember my thoughts and feelings about a film.

With this out of the way I will return this blog to its regularly scheduled programming.

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