
Watched this with my Mom, Grandma Sloth. A brief review.

Excellent entertainment for both rabid and casual Anglophiliacs. Set in a charming 1840’s village getting dragged into modernity. Humor, romance, & tragedy all delivered by the most capable of actors such as Dame Judi Dench & Imelda Staunton (Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter). Cute guys and sturdy men who I could listen to all day. Men with British accents, and a Scot and an Irishman if you like that kind of thing which I do & this is my review so there.

One positively luminescent woman, a heartbreaking child and a very gossipy yet funny (& heartwarming) Old Biddy Committee. A five-part mini-series that originally aired on BBC 2 in 2007 and then aired on PBS in America.

Sentimental & emotionally manipulative? Yes. But top shelf sentimentality & emotional manipulation.

If you’re in need of gentile, well-produced entertainment please to enjoy. Excellent for a sick day.

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